
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Ultra Endurance Level Achieved

It is 1st week after 60km ultramarathon. And it is 1st time I was completely free from DOMS, no muscle soreness at all, no interruption of training. I completed 9 training run this week, total 129km in 14hrs, longest 30.7km. It was a successful race strategy to stop at 60km. I gained barefoot running experience without sacrificing training continuity. And also tested my safe long run distance. I could put my self into at least 60km long run in my training session. That is essential to ultra training: I was able to carry on 100miles weekly mileage and 38miles long run. It is beyond most average ultra training requirement. I'm confident to complete 100km ultra soon.
Let's get back to my current focus: Sundown marathon less than 2 months later. I'll continue my weekly mileage building up to 200km. Continue to improve Yasso800 speed, currently at 3:20 per session. Continue to improve 30km long run pace, currently at 6:30/km. Most important, my MAF speed, last week at 5:43/km, this week over 6min/km due to high cortisol level after race. I wish MAF reach below 5:15/km so it will be confident to run a 3:30 marathon. Wish me good luck!