My training for first marathon was interupted by a serries of beginner's injuries, that restrained me building up milage. It is the real barrier for me to break sub-4.
To overcome this, I need a appropriate plan to build up my endurance without injury interuption.
1, my injury experience told me to arrange training and racing properly. I'll carefully choose racing for tune-up purpose only, major focus is Sun Down only.
2. I'll build up my weekly milage slowly, never exceeing 10%.
3. I figured out suitable target pace from Jack Daniels running formula, strictly implement in every of my run.
4. Weekly run will include 3 key work out, Tuesday run interval (>10k pace) to build up Vo2max, Thursday run Tempos to push Lactate Threshold, and Saturday run LSD to build up endurance.
5. After several weeks, I found it also essential to increase base run other than 3 key work out, to improve my total fitness and milage. Or I will not exeed 60km per week.
6. I divided 22 weeks training into 4 phases referring to Matt Fitzgerald's training plan. 1~7 weeks are base phase, 8~11 are build 1, 12~15 are build 2, 16~19 are peak, last 3 weeks taper off.
7. I added static stretching after every key work out, even before LSD (after warm up). It is very effective in stress reduction and injury prevention. I could quickly recover from any work out in a day, so far. I'll introducing in next blog.
8. I'll do cross training redularly, especially core training. Because in the long run, I felt my back would gave up more easily than feet. And so does arms, it looks push ups are also needed.
OK, take a look at my training plan/log (white is plan and green is log). Wish I do sub-4 in the Sun Down!